Team Facilitation

Even the most talented of employees cannot succeed on their own. Companies rely on teamwork to achieve their goals, but working as a team does not come easily for many individuals. And team spirit needs continual renewal.

We have a great track record of turning transforming groups of employees into High Performing Teams that understand their roles, share a vision of the future, and help one another use their strengths to make that vision into a reality.

Our programs help work teams:

  • Diagnostics - to see what conditions for team performance are missing
  • First define a shared meaning and purpose - answer the "WHY?"
  • Understand priorities - what needs to be achieved
  • Role clarity. Who is accountable for what?
  • Identify the strengths of individual team members and use those skills to achieve group goals
  • Skills for productive conflict. Focus on how to effectively solve team challenges and problems
  • Remain flexible and agile within times of change, or when the pressure is on
  • Team simulations to try out new 'rules of engagement' for a new team
  • Celebrate success to motivate and energize employees

For more information about Latitude's Workshops and Teambuilding services, contact us today.